Woman washing clothes, Lake Phewa, Pokhara. Pencil on paper, 26×28,3cm. 2021.1

Washing clothes, Lake Phewa, Pokhara. Pencil on paper, 25×25,1cm. 2021.1

Threshing Maize. Annapura Eco Village. Pencil, Felt tip, ink wash. 29,6×29,2cm. 2021.1

Thamel, Khatmandu. Felt tip and ink wash. 26,8×29,1cm. 2021.1

Stupa in Khatmandu. Pencil, felt tip and ink wash on paper, 27,7×27,5cm. 2021.1

Pumpins at Annapua Eco Village. Felt tip, pastels, 29,6×26,8cm. 2021.1

Patan, felt tip and wash. 29,2x27cm. 2021.2

Narsing Chowk Marg. Khatmandu. Pencil, felt tip and in wash on paper.27x29cm. 2021.2

Mystique Highland Resort, Astam, Pencil, Felt tip, oil pastels, 27,9×28,3cm. 2021.1.

Mountain view near Pokhara, pastels on paper, 29x27cm. 2021.1

Mount Machhapuchhar. 29,2×26,8cm. Pencil, felt tip, pastels on paper. 2021.1

Khatmandu Durbar Square, Felt tip and ink wash on paper, 27,6×28,4cm. 2021/1

Kalikasthan. 29,3×27.2cm, felt tip, pastels on paper, 2021.1

House in Chisapani, 28,3×26.7cm, pencil, felt tip, pastels. 2021.1

Haystack in Chisapani, felt tip, pastels, 27,9,x27,5cm, 2021.1

Astam, Mixed media, pencil, felt tip, pastels, 27x27cm. 2021.2

Annapura Eco Village. 24,7×29,1cm. Pencil. 2021.1