
I was born in London in 1954 and brought up in Wimbledon.  I went to art school when I was 16 and survived as a painter in London for a few years.  I became interested in Chinese and Russian art, and that inspired me to visit those countries. To achieve that goal, I studied the languages, which led me to a degree and scholarships to study in both countries at a time (1982-4) when few foreigners from the west were able to travel to those distant (then) worlds.

What I saw fascinated me and I ended up living some 35 years abroad. I have held a number of exhibitions in Russia, China and the UK. What you see on this site is a selection of paintings and drawings from most of the countries I have lived in.

I now live, paint and exhibit half the year in Scotland and half the year abroad.  

If you would like to know any details about any of the paintings and drawings on this site, or would like to commission me to paint a portrait, building or view, please write to me on:

Thank you for reading this.

John Harrison 28.6.23